Taking Inspiration from Donghua Combat: Blades of the Guardians (part 1)
Biao Ren (Blades of the Guardians) was one of my biggest influences when I started designing Wandering Blades. The grim world and gritty, yet stylish combat were everything I wanted to replicated with a tabletop RPG. Let's breakdown this fight scene from episode 2 of the donghua, previewing the updated movement system and some outlaw class features.
Combat Starts
Round 1
2:32 - The GM chooses to take a FAST TURN for all of their combatants while the players decide on a SLOW TURN
2:36 - During the FAST TURN phase, the GM uses a MOVE ACTION for all of their combatants to position them from the mid-range to close range engagement zones. They move close to Dao Ma (let's say he's a youxia).
2:39 - During Dao Ma's SLOW TURN, he uses one action to make an ATTACK ACTION against an enemy and kills them instantly (rolling high on damage). Remember, NPC/adversary followers do not take WOUNDS like a PC or boss would. They die once they are out of hit points. You can then see Dao Ma use another ATTACK ACTION to engage with another enemy in the background of the scene.
2:41 - Double-Headed Snake (let's say he's an outlaw) uses a MOVE ACTION to move from id-range into close range with the enemies that moved towards Dao Ma before using an ATTACK ACTION to kill an enemy.
Round 2
2:43 - The GM again chooses a FAST TURN (so they can attack first) while the PCs choose a SLOW TURN (so they can attack more)
2:44 - During the FAST TURN phase, a GM controlled enemy attacks Double-Headed Snake, who uses their REACTION to counter with an unarmed strike. Double-Headed Snake has the Brutality outlaw skill* at an expert level, allowing his unarmed strikes to deal 1d6 instead of 1d2 damage**. Another enemy attacks Double-headed Snake, but misses. Double-headed Snake uses a qi point to gain another REACTION to COUNTER, killing the enemy.
2:49 - Dao Mao similarly reacts to the GM's FAST TURNS, expending his REACTION to COUNTER and 2 qi points to do it twice more.
2:52 - During Dao Ma's SLOW TURN, he uses two ATTACK ACTIONS to kill two enemies. Presumably during this time, Double-Headed Snake is doing the same.
*Outlaws are proficient at skills related to an unlawful lifestyle. Starting at level 1, they may spend a talent point to become trained in a talent. Another may be spent on a trained skill to become an expert, and then another to become a master. Talent points must be spent when an outlaw ADVANCES (i.e. levels up).
**An outlaw with the Brutality talent is able to make two unarmed strikes like any character can, but at an elevated damage of 1d6. The reason Double-Headed Snake would still want to use his daggers, which are swift and also make two attacks per action, is because he gains the benefit of the lacerate special feature.
Round 3
2:55 - The GM again chooses a FAST TURN (so they can attack first) while the PCs choose a SLOW TURN (so they can attack more)
2:55 - The GM uses a FAST TURN to attack Dao Ma, who uses his REACTION to PARRY the blow and kill the enemy. Another enemy makes an ATTACK ACTION and misses. Dao Ma does not expend a qi point to gain another REACTION.
2:59 - On Dao Ma's SLOW TURN, he uses one ACTION to GRAPPLE and throw an enemy. Then, he uses his second one to make an ATTACK ACTION against another, killing them.
Skipping ahead to the 5:00 mark where Dao Ma, Double-Headed Snake, and Chang Guiren are fighting each other. Double-Headed Snake is hit with a powerful blow. Double-Headed Snake has a sword embedded in his chest (narrative moment). On his turn, he attacks with his daggers, which have the Swift special feature - allowing him to make one extra melee attack roll per ATTACK ACTION, but at the cost of their damage die being one step lower for all attacks made that turn. As a REACTION, he also spends one qi point to use an outlaw TECHNIQUE called Immobilize - when you make a successful ATTACK ACTION, roll damage 1 step lower to prevent the target from using MOVE ACTIONS on their next turn. Dao Ma then uses the Pinpoint Strike technique, spending two qi points and two ACTIONS to make one AMPLIFIED attack roll with damage dice 1 step higher and a CRIT threshold of 16-20 (on a natural roll). Since Chang Guiren is a boss type adversary, he takes five wounds after his hit points are depleted (let's say they are) and the GM gives him the Stunned (1) CONDITION, forcing him to take a SLOW TURN next. Double-Headed Snake is also seriously wounded, taking on the dying CONDITION.
At the 6:00 mark, Dao Ma takes a SLOW TURN (knowing he will act before Chang Guiren) and delivers two powerful ATTACK ACTIONS to kill him.
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Wandering Blades RPG Quickstart
Lethal wuxia melodrama in an old-school inspired tabletop RPG package by Daniel Kwan
Status | In development |
Category | Physical game |
Author | Daniel Kwan |
Genre | Action, Interactive Fiction, Role Playing |
Tags | Tabletop role-playing game |
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